Yes it is. ADHD is a recognised condition which actually affects around 1 in 20 people of school age in the UK. There isn't one particular reason why people get ADHD. We still don't really know how ADHD develops, but it seems to be biological.
Estimates vary, both between and within different countries, but ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed behavioural disorders in children and young people.
3–9% of school-aged UK children may have ADHD
Studies in the UK suggest that ADHD occurs in an estimated 3-9% of school aged-children.
This means that the average UK classroom will include at least one child with ADHD.
Studies in the United States report higher rates of ADHD, possibly due in part to the use of different criteria to diagnose ADHD in the US.
ADHD is more common in boys
ADHD is diagnosed in more boys than girls, by a ratio of at least three to one.
Up to two-thirds of children with hyperactivity disorders continue to have problems into adulthood.
There is no single "cause" of ADHD, and no simple test for the condition.
The exact mechanisms involved in the development of ADHD are not fully understood, but there is a lot of evidence for a biological cause, and for several key contributing factors. The importance of these different factors probably varies from child to child.
Known factors are:
Genes and inheritance
Brain processes
Environmental factors
ADHD can respond well to treatment, and the good news is there are a range of treatments available, including therapies that treat behaviour and various medicines. While there is no exact ‘cure’ for ADHD, many people manage their symptoms with the help of treatment, and so that they have little or no disruption to their lives. Once your specialist team has carried out all the tests, they will know the best management and treatment plan for your child.
Unfortunately, ADHD doesn’t always disappear as affected individuals reach adulthood, but the symptoms often change. Each individual is different, but there are some overall trends:
Your child's behavioural problems may be due solely to ADHD. However, ADHD can occur together with other conditions, including:
Everyone is different, and so 'the most effective treatment' programme varies between individuals. The length of time your child will receive treatment cannot be fixed in advance. Treatment may continue for a couple of years and may even continue into adulthood in some cases. Occasionally, your doctor may recommend that your child stops taking medication for a while so that they can see how they get on; this is called a treatment holiday, and your child should only ever do this when a doctor has told them.
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