Living well with inflammatory bowel disease

Living well with inflammatory bowel disease

Living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be challenging sometimes. But it should not stop you from getting the very best out of life.

There are many sources of information, support and practical help available to you to help you adjust to life with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease – every step of the way, at every stage in life.

What does it mean to “live well” with IBD?

As well as impacting various aspects of daily living, several studies suggest that a range of lifestyle factors can influence your IBD.1 A healthy lifestyle can help support your remission (your time free of symptoms) and improve your quality of life, so it is important to understand what else you can do to keep yourself well.2,3

How can I live well with IBD?

Here we provide some information about adjustments you can make to some aspects of everyday life, and which can help improve your overall wellbeing.


Find out more about drinking with IBD and recommendations on how to drink responsibly.


Learn about how your Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis could affect your ability to work.


Exercising is still possible if you have IBD and it can even help maintain your health. Find out how much exercise is good to aim for and the benefits to you.

Fertility and pregnancy

Many people with IBD think it will compromise their fertility or affect their pregnancy. Find out more on what your IBD means for this part of your life.


Avoiding certain foods or taking care to eat well can help manage your condition. Find out more so you can make choices that are right for you.

Sex and relationships

How IBD affects your relationship is unique to each person. Find answers to the questions you have about intimacy and relationships.


Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do to improve your health. Find out more on stopping and how smoking impacts your IBD.


Having IBD should not stop you travelling. Learn more about travelling with confidence with IBD, both in the UK and overseas.

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IBD = Inflammatory bowel disease.

  1. Lamers CR, et al. Lower Impact of Disease on Daily Life and Less Fatigue in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Following a Lifestyle Intervention. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2022;25:izac027.
  2. Charlebois A, et al. The impact of dietary interventions on the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2016;56(8):1370–378.
  3. Engels M, et al. Exercise in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: current perspectives. Clin Exp Gastroenterol. 2018;11:1–11.